The future of Remote Controlled Moving Engagement Targets is here. Introducing the fully redesigned RMET-15 Multi-Platform unit from Patriot Products. This 3rd generation robot features a 360° zero-turn-radius, HotSwap battery compartments, and our new QuickPlate “Robot As A Platform” swappable deck. The hit detect technology with timed automatic restart initiates a dead stop and a programmable pause, easily discernible from a distance and confirmed by an illuminated LED indicator on the remote.

Standard Features:

  • 1:1 operation via remote control up to 1,000M
  • Adjustable 0-10mph via walk / jog / run modes
  • 24V deep-cycle batteries with smart charging technology provide up to 21 mi on a charge
  • IP63 rated case for the remote control
  • Weather resistant chassis drive through standing water with ease
  • Armor provides up to 7.62 ballistic protection
  • HotSwap battery compartments
  • QuickPlate swappable deck
  • 4-wheel direct drive to run flat tires
  • “Robot As A Platform” options include: role player, breacher, sniper target, payload transport, HFS integration, or turn any SIT into a MIT

Patriot Products RMET-15MP Robot

Patriot Products RMET-15T Robot

Patriot Products RMET-10 Robot

Part # Description Dimensions (L x W x H) Weight (LBS)
PP-RMET-15MP Remote Controlled Moving Engagement Target 15 Multi-Platform 41″ x 32″ x 19″ 465
PP-RMET-15T Remote Controlled Moving Engagement Target 15 Target 41″ x 32″ x 19″ 465
PP-RMET-10 Remote Controlled Moving Engagement Target 10 34″ x 33″ x 18″ 285

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